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College Credit Plus (CCP)

Earn college credit before you graduate high school.

College Credit Plus (CCP) is a dual-enrollment program administered by Youngstown State University and Campbell Memorial High School. While enrolled in CCP, middle/high school students are eligible to receive high school and college credits. You can take courses at your high school, online, or on YSU’s campus.

At Memorial High School: You take the course at Memorial High School during your regular high school day. High school instructors are approved as part-time faculty by YSU academic departments to teach the college course. CCP instructors must have the same qualifications as YSU faculty on campus. The instructors meet regularly with YSU faculty mentors to ensure the class rigor meets University standards.

Online: You take the course online, taught by YSU faculty. Your high school may provide you with computer access and time to complete your work during the school day. Some online courses are only for CCP students. You first meet with your advisor and then register for courses on or after your campus registration date. Space in the course is not guaranteed. Online courses follow the same calendar, policies, and procedures as courses on campus. Read more about campus courses below.

On YSU’s Campus: You come to campus and take courses taught by YSU faculty. You follow the same policies and procedures as other YSU students. Semester start and end dates and holidays will likely differ, and snow days are rare. You will keep track of two calendars, high school and college. The academic calendar is located in the Helpful Resources section of the online CCP Program Handbook.

You receive college credit upon successful completion of the course. You have two options:

  • Option B is the more popular option. Your school district pays your tuition and textbooks, and you will earn high school and college credits for the classes.
  • Option A is another option where you choose to receive high school and college credit or only college credit. You will pay for all tuition, books, and fees. See Student Cost: Option A vs. B for more information. If you choose college credit only, the course grade is not factored into the high school grade point average.

To participate, you must submit a letter of intent to Mrs. MCCallister (or the state if you are a non-public or home-school student) by April 1. Contact Memorial High School's main office to find out how they handle this process.


The top four benefits identified by past CCP students are:

  • Save Time – the more credits you earn now, the fewer you need to take after high school.
  • Save Money – the school district pays for tuition, fees, and books.
  • Transferability of Credits – the credits transfer within the University System of Ohio (USO). The Transfer to Degree- Guarantee (TAG courses) has equivalent courses at USO schools. Private and out-of-state schools may or may not accept the credit; you can contact the institution to discuss transferring your credits.
  • YSU Academic Resources – are available for you.

As a successful student, you will…

  • Gain a competitive edge. College admissions officers look for evidence of rigorous coursework on high school transcripts.
  • Enjoy more flexibility in college. Completing college requirements in middle/high school gives you greater flexibility as a full-time college student. Many students who complete college credits while in CCP find they can pursue second majors, study abroad opportunities, and more than one internship.
  • Learn college skills before your freshman year. The critical thinking, writing, and reading skills developed in CCP courses will prepare you for college success.
  • Demonstrate your learning just as you will in college. College courses assess your knowledge through examinations, papers, lab reports, speeches, etc. YSU courses administered through CCP will evaluate your learning in this manner too.
  • Reduce the overall cost of college. CCP tuition is at no cost to students under Option B and is significantly reduced under Option A. Additional savings can be realized when recognition of CCP credits allows you to graduate college early.